Thursday, October 23, 2008

OCT. 23 - The season begins in the East

The first 7 inches... Keep it coming ULLR!


  1. They CLAIM 7". This is K-town we're talking about.

    Shiiiiit. They probably had 50 lifties up top with a garden house and a battery operated fan trying like hell to make it look good. They DID!

    Bring it bitch (Mother Nature).

  2. Harsh words considering they were our stomping grounds. It's funny how the K-town boys come out west for the real snow! oops I guess I slipped knowing that I can ski the "Greatest snow on earth" at my disposal. Let's pray for snow no matter where we are and remember where we come from.

  3. Banned from the East Coast. I am BACK... K-Town season pass in effect. Gotta LUV the South Ridge. Let ULLR begin. I'll have to change my vocabulary till Jan-23. Then onto the Wasatch. 100 inch base. WUT UP..Ready to ride any chairlift.
    FIRST DAY---November 17. FRESHIES !!!!!
